The first thing to know about federal arrest warrants is that federal agencies do not call over the phone and tell you that you have federal arrest warrants. The IRS, Social Security, the Treasury Department- they will all communicate important matters by mail, so anyone calling and saying you have federal arrest warrants is lying.
In fact, it is unlikely that you will know about federal arrest warrants before you are arrested because they are typically kept secret, and only made public after the individual sought by the warrant is arrested. Federal arrest warrants are often proceeded by lengthy investigations, lasting years, so it is normal to be in a state of suspense about whether there are existing federal arrest warrants for a specific individual.
I can be of great use to people BEFORE they are arrested for on federal arrest warrants. The first step is to try to establish a line of contact with either an investigating agency or federal prosecutor. Another important reason to hire a lawyer before you are subject to federal arrest warrants: You can only invoke your 5th amendment right not to speak if you have a specific lawyer representing you- a general request to “talk to a lawyer” is not enough to stop an interrogation.
Do you have a question about federal arrest warrants? I have twenty years experience dealing with federal arrest warrants in New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas, Seattle, Texas, Nebraska and Wisconsin. Text me using the button on this post!