Do you need help clearing a warrant for your arrest? I am experienced in handling your arrest warrant in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura. You can call or text me at 1 323 645 0697. Check out my five star Yelp profile.
Many people are worried when they learn they have a warrant for their arrest. They learn about the warrant of arrest from different sources, often times from a background check before being hired for a job, or from a notice sent by law enforcement. An arrest warrant is more serious than a bench warrant, because it means a police officer will arrest you if they find out you have a warrant for your arrest.
Warrants for your arrest can be issued for many different reasons. The most common reason is for failing to appear for a new case, either misdemeanor or felony. I talk to people about warrants for their arrest everyday. Before COVID times, you could get on calendar within a day or two in most counties- same day in Los Angeles, next day in Orange County, next week in San Diego, etc. Now, if you haven’t actually been arrested, it can be hard to get your warrant for arrest lifted. It’s a great time to hire me for this job- the headache alone trying to get on calendar makes it worth it to hire me to clear your arrest warrant.