San Bernardino Warrant Cleared

Today I cleared a warrant in Rancho Cucamonga (San Bernardino County) for a client who lives in Arizona. He was an Uber driver, and last month a warrant appeared on his background check. He had been given a misdemeanor ticket for possession of a drug paraphernalia in 2019. He went to Court on the date from his ticket and no case had been filed. After that, he moved out of town. The warrant didn’t appear on his record until last month, apparently the D.A. waited almost a year before filing the case.

San Bernardino is back to allowing attorney’s to calendar warrants on the same day. I drove out there, added the case onto the calendar, and then went to Court- which was outside! The Judge agreed to dismiss the case if the client goes to 10 NA meetings before November 11th, the warrant was cleared and the client is back to work driving for Uber! It cost him 500 dollars and took three days.

Clearing and Fixing Warrants: Last Week

Do you need help clearing a warrant for your arrest? I am experienced in handling your arrest warrant in a variety of places. You can call or text me at 1 323 645 0697. Questions about me? Check out my five star Yelp profile.

Last week I cleared multiple warrants in Compton and San Fernando. The client with a warrant in Compton contacted me early Monday morning. She had a job waiting for her, but an old warrant needed to be cleared on a DUI- the client owed 1800 in fines and fees. She contacted me on Monday, paid, and I calendared the case for Thursday (two days in advance in Los Angeles these days.) I appeared in Compton and cleared the bench warrant. It was the client’s second violation of probation- the case is already five years old. The client needed proof that the bench warrant was fixed, and I sent her a court docket the next day and she started work the following Monday.

On Friday I went to San Fernando to help a client who had an underage dui and a subsequent driving on a suspended licence- both cases “open” and with pending arrest warrants. Both cases were two years old. I went to court for the client on Friday and the Judge refused to lift the warrant without the client being present. I was ready for that- the last time I was in San Fernando clearing a warrant, the Judge made my client fly out from Idaho. We went back to Court yesterday, and the Judge lifted the warrant no problem. The City Attorney agreed to drop one of the cases to an infraction (VC23140)